Iraq is back and no end

Somebody help me. Anymore, I’m never quite sure if I’m listening to the news or hallucinating. Here’s how I heard it.

The W admits that all 13 reasons he has given for waging war on Iraq are either false or bogus.

(OK, I’m exaggerating. Maybe there were only seven reasons– I’ve lost count; and it depends on how fine a distinction you allow.)

(OK, he hasn’t actually admitted they were all false or bogus. He’s a little vague on this point. But we at least can see that they were all false or bogus; I hope?)

The American people got fed up with it and turned Congress back to the Opposition.

The W. claims he “got the message.” He admits he botched it.

He’s ready to admit his mistake and correct it. He’s ready to apologize to the Iraqi people, to all the widows and orphans that he has created; to the world; to the maimed American soldiers; to the American tax-payers. He is ready to restore Saddam to his lawful office, and pay restitution; resign from office in disgrace; and turn himself in to the World Court to be sentenced for his war crimes.

Oh, sorry. I must have been hallucinating again. Rewind the tape.

The W. claims he “got the message.” He admits he botched it. He takes full responsibility. And to show that he got the message, he is going to (trumpet blast)…


Like I said, would somebody please help me to know when I am hallucinating and when I am hearing right?

2 thoughts on “Iraq is back and no end

  1. I’m very glad we invaded Iraq and removed Saddam, and an ally in that area would certainly be valuable. For me the real question is, when do we pull out? rather than, should we have gone at all?

    Why do you think we will never be “successful” in Iraq? Personally I think that Islam is naturally geared towards dictatorship and not democracy.

  2. Good post Mr. Harris….

    As per Keith’s comment:
    While we may feel more comfortable with Saddam out of the position of power we placed him in, this and other such feelings are no justification for our presence there. *Now or ever, I might add…*

    “Retreating with dignity” is actually more reminscient of a bully trying to regain the moral highground before stomping off the playground. Except we aren’t children, and there are reportedly hundreds of thousands of dead people in this bully’s wake.
    We need to repent for our rapacious actions, apologize publically for our government’s murders and lies to and about their country and its leader. Hopefully we’ve learned our lesson from this.

    If not that, than maybe sending in 20,000 more troops will help. Yeah, that’s the solution. More men overseas. More imperialist bases in more countries. Never repentance. Never God’s law.

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